How to Join Pear Deck Session with Code ( Step By Step Guide)

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  • Post category:Pear Deck
  • Post last modified:January 28, 2024
  • Reading time:2 mins read
You are currently viewing How to Join Pear Deck Session with Code ( Step By Step Guide)

oh oh! Is your online class about to start on Pear Deck and you don’t know how to join? We are here with a step-by-step guide to help you participate in your online class.

Below is the step by step guide with for joining a Pear Deck Session with the provided code by your teacher or session organizer.

  1. Click on the below button and go to the Pear Deck Joining Page.
  1. After clicking on the above button, on the next page enter your session code in the blank box and press enter.
  2. If your code is correct then your session will start after entering code.

Well Done! It’s simple to Join Pear Deck with above guide. If you are still facing some issue then comment down and explain it so i can help you with it.

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